Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 287)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 287)
not only on the basis o£ their class, they were also discriminated
against on gender and national or racial grounds as will. (14)
In fact as Table 1 shows, racial discrimination in the labour force
was even nigher than sexuai discrimination. While Jewish women working
in this industry received an average daily wage of about 162 mils,
Arab men in the same job were paid an average of 95.5 mils or about
half of the Jewish female wage, and 99 mils for Arab women.
The destruction of the indigenous rural econcmy during the first
decade of British rule compounded with the 1929 Worid economic
recessicn had its influence not only on the fallaheen but on other
workers as well. With unemployment at its peak during this period,
labourers were willing to accept any wage I£ only they could find
Speaking of a relatively prosperous section of the Arab working
class in late 1920s, Simpson wrote:
These men..nad enjoyed a certain measure of ease
and prosperity in the past, but [their] conditicns
had deteriorated during recent years. There were
master-masons who used to employ a number of
subordinates, yet now are cnly not in a position to
employ any assistants, but are themselves
destitute, owing to the inability to find work.(15)
Equally affected by the changes were existing wages for various
sections of the working classes. The drop in wages among skilled
workers was staggering during this period. For example, the wage rates
for skilled artisans, carpenters and stone-dressers fell by 50 per
cent in 1930. (15) A similar situation emerged among workers in the
indigenous industries who nad previously enjoyed relative prosperity.
A survey published in 1937 revealed that while a laborer in & = sea-
shell factory used to receive 256-600 mils per day between 1919-1925,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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