Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 289)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 289)
Pr a a
They were also iow compared to wages received by Jewish workers
perferming simiiaz jobs.
According to the survey: 570 workers or 57 per cent of all male
bread-winners were earning less than 2750 mils per month; 245 or 24.5
per cent less than 4250 mils; 120 or 12 per cent less than 6000 mils;
45 less than 10,000; 15 less than 12,000 and 5 workers only earned
less than i5,6000 mils per month. -The five workers with the highest
{ncome bracket were described as exceptionally high skilled workers
who had been in their jobs for 20 years or over~.
Living costs in the town of Jaffa were very high. According to
government estimates the cost of consumer goods for an average family
for 1936 was 5,059 mils a month. I£ rent, ciothing and other necessary
expenses (i.e.,tzvansportation, medical care..etc.) were tc be
inciuded, the family expenditures per month would rise to a total of
11,500 mils, an average cost far below the reach of the majority of
workers. Rent, in particular was excessively high. The majority of
workers were unable to afford a decent home. They iived under zinc or
wooden roofed shelters, on which they also had to pay high rent,
estimated at P.L.3-5 per year. Even the more prosperous amongst then,
the survey added, had to rent stone shacks in the outskirts of Jaffa
for P.L.5-10 a year.
In most families, the survey further czevealed, one bread-winner
was insuffictent. Women and children were also forced to sell their
lapour power to supplement the family income. Women and children werse
employed in the private service zector as house servants. Highly
exploited in these jobs, the women were reportedly paid 1000-2000 mils
a month while the children earned 256-1000 mils per month.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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