Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 291)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 291)
was the labour centre for a very large number cf Palestinian workers.
And for most of these workers, living conditions were appalling. the
following testimeny by a Palastinian uniton leader describes’ the
Thousands of unskilled workers in Jaffa cannot
afford a house to sleep in- they sleep in tin huts
or in the open. the rent of a decent room in Jaffa
amounts to about two thirds of the wages of an
unskilled worker. The fallah in his own village is
Spared this expense, he does not have to sleep tin
the open and he does not pay rent. For 18 years
past, hardly a single house has been built for the
laborers or the poor; the municipality does not
build them and no one feels that it pays to build
for them commercially...I am not exaggerating if TI
say that in some seasons in Jaffa, when the oranges
are being loaded, some 10-15 thousand people live
in the city and its suburbs without a single proper
latrine. That may pass unnoticed in a village, but
in a city it becomes sickening. Thousands live in
tin huts without the most elementary accomodation
and without any water supply except that they can
carry in small jars froma far distance. I observed
that in many of the hut-colonies, they hardly use
more than a cubic meter of water a month. (19)
Low wages and poor working and living conditions were worsened by
the widespread unemployment which characterised the Palestinian
economy during that period.
Unemployment under British Colonialism
The phenomenon of unemployment has been a controversial issue _ for
many Israeli official writers. Most believe that Palestine's economy
in general, and the Jewish one in particular, experienced very littie,
if any, unemployment during British colonialism (Ohana,1°81;
Kimmerling,1983; Flapan,1$79). It is arqued that, due to the influx of
Jewish capital, Palestine’'s economy flourished. Sussman, for instance,
admits that there was unemployment among both Arabs and Jews during
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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