Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 293)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 293)
the labor required for this Department..Even if
Jewish immigration were to cease altogether, there
would be no difficulty in obtaining the personnel
necessary to complete these undertakings. (22)
Unemployment among Arabs working in the Jewish private settlements
was also widespread, estimated in 1930 at 52.9 per cent (Sussman,
Increasing proletarianization and peasant migration to the towns;
the influx of Jewish settlers to Palestine; employment restrictions on
indigenous Jalestinian workers; and deteriorating economic conditions
largely affected by the 1929 World Depression, the following will
further prove, were all instrumental in accelerating unemployment
during the 1930s.
Unemployment among the indigenous Palestinians during the 1930s was
very serious particularly among urban proletarians. In Jaffa alone in
late 1935, unemployed workers were estimated at 2,270, reaching 4,000
in early 1936. High figures were also recorded for Haifa and Qalgilia;
4,500 and 1,300 respectively. Altogether unemployment within the urban
Arab labor force, particularly among construction and industry
workers, was put at 25,000, with some cities such as Nazareth,
Ramallah and Beit Lahem reaching a rate of 75 per cent. (23)
Unemployment within the indigenous agricultural sector was also
high during the 1930s, reaching 66.3 per cent in 1936 (Sussman,
Authors who claim that unemployment did not affect the Jewish
population often support their claim by pointing to the influx of
Jewish capital to Palestine, particularly after 1930. What these
authors, however, ignore is the fact that it was not only capital
which was entering Palestine. Alongside the capitalist settlers, there
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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