Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 294)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 294)
was also a very large number of workers who immigrated to Palestine
seeking employment. The pattern of Jewish immigration in the 1930s, as
the following two tables show, was fundamentally different than that
which had occured during th2 1920s. The influx of Jewish capital
during the 1930s could not alleviate the existing economic problems.
Table 2: Jewish Immigration Between 1932-38
Category Number %of total % of total
immigrants immigrants
in (1-5)
1. persons with P.L.1000
and upwards 21,408 11.1
2. persons with no less
than P.L. 500 103 0.05
3.persons with no less
than P.L. 250 1,061 0.55
4. persons with minimum
monthly income of P.L. 4 572 0.3 23.7
5.Dependents on (1-3) 22,680 11.7
6. Workers 50,384 26.0
7.Dependents on workers 40,894 21.1
8.Dependent on Palestinian
residents and others 56,112 29.0
Total 193,415 100 100
Source: Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 1937-38, Table 31, p. 38;
Statistical Abstract of Palestine,1939 , p. 32
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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