Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 296)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 296)
their dependents making up 76.1 per cent of the total immigrants
{table 3). This new type of Jewish immigration in the 1930s placed
further pressure on the Palestinian economy, particularly on its state
of unemployment.
Jewish unemloyment was particularly visible in the agricultural
settlements. At his visit to the large settlement of Petah-Tekva, the
Chief Immigration Officer commented:
The presence of men and women without work could
not be concealed. The representative of the local
trade union admitted about 200 unemployed but
assured us that this was merely a temporary
matter...The local police estimated unemployment at
between 300 and 350, a figure that is probably more
accurate. (25)
In the five largest private settlements Sussman estimated Jewish
unemployment at 32.4 per cent (Sussman,1974:38). In 1930, official
estimates put the number of Jewish unemployed at about 1,300 people.
Jewish unemployment was also serious during the 1930s. While
official statistics are absent, police reports contain ample evidence
on the severity of this phenomenon. In June 8th, 1935, "Davar” the
Histadrut newspaper reported:
Conditions of employment during the last weeks
have grown worse..Hundreds of cheap labourers
[Arabs] are employed in seasonal work..and the
Jewish labourer goes idle..The help from our
central organizations is required in order to avoid
undesired developments, especially at the present
time. (26)
While one report acknowledged that: ".... many Jewish labourers are
undergoing severe hardships..." (27), another said:
The situation in Haifa in regard to unemployment
{s serious and the. majority of Jewish labourers
are only working 2 or 3 days each week. (28)
Underemployment, was also widespread among Jewish workers. As one
document revealed, Jewish workers were content to accept half of their
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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