Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 298)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 298)
of the Jewish state. To admit publicly that unemployment was serious,
and that the economy of Palestine could not afford to sbsorb new
immigrants, weculd have been tantamount to committing political suicide
by jeopardizing the whole preject of Zionist colonization.
The Zionist leaders in Palestine knew that by telling the truth
about unemployment they would provide an excuse for the colonial
government to answer the demands of the Palestinians to halt
immigration and further Jewish settlements. They also knew that
reporting unemployment and harsh economic conditions would discourage
intended immigrants from all classes, particularly when political
conditions in Palestine throughout these years were tense, and
indigenous violent resistance was widespread.
This policy did not go unnoticed by various Arab labour
organizations. The Arab Workers' Society criticised this policy as
false propaganda aimed at deceiving the international community and
particularly the intended Jewish immigrants. In its report to the
"Peel Commission", the Society wrote:
The claim that the Palestinian economy was
flourishing during the 1930s is false. This faise
impression is aimed at alluring Jewish capitalists
to immigrate and convincing the civilized world of
the profits....Jewisk immigration and the Jewish
national home is making.. By masking and concealing
the truth from the world..,-at tne expense of both
Jewish and Arab workers- the Zionists chose to side
with Jewish capitalism and British colontalism..
This analysis has so far revealed two major points. It has
demonstrated that in the process of capitalist development, a large
force of indigenous Palestinian labourers was totally alienated from
its previous means of production and was placed under the complete
subjugation cf capital. And secondly, that throughout the economy, all
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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