Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 300)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 300)
In fact, the most vital economic resources in Palestine, such as
the construction of the biggest electricity generating station in the
country, the extraction of sait from the Dead Sea, and the setting up
of a modern transportation and road system were given to Jewish
concessionaries (Zureik, 1979:59).
Moreover, during the Second World War when government needed to
expand its police and military projects, it gave most contracts to
Jewish employers. For example, out of 61 Police buildings financed by
government: 27 or 44.3 per cent were offered to Jewish contractors;
12 buildings or 19.7 per cent were constructed by direct Departmental
labour; 18 or 29.5 per cent by Jewish and Arab contractors; 8 by
unspecified contractors and 6 buildings or 9.8 per cent only were
given to Arab contractors. (34)
In almost all government jobs, Arab workers were given the
unskilled jobs while the better paying skilled jobs were given to
Jewish workers. Arab workers in government enterprises received far
below the average wage paid to their Jewish counterparts for the same
job. (35) For example in the Department of Public Works,the wages paid
for Arabs per one man-day worked throughout 1942-45 were at least
halzt of the wages paid for the Jewish worker. For the year 1942-43,
wages received by an Arab worker calculated pe- one man-day were
estimated at 220 mils, compared to 470 mils paid fer similar work
performed by a Jewish labourer: 270 mils for Arabs and $58 for Jews in
1943-44; and 349 mils compared to 752 in 1944-45.
The gap between Jewlsh and Arab wages was even greater when
employment was obtained through a contractor (an Arab or a Jew),
rather than directly from the government. Wages paid by the contractor
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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