Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 301)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 301)
for the same period were as follows: 270 miis to an Arab worker
compaced to 620 mils to the Jewish worker in 1942-43; 445 and 976 in
1343-44; and 530 compared to 1,058 mils in 1944-45 respectively. (36)
Wage differentials between Arab and Jewish workezs was practiced in
all departmental works. It was present in the Railway, Ports, the
Department of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones as well as in all
government funded municipal corporations. (37)
In an even more blatant form of racial discrimination,the state
project establishing Arab schools in the Arab quarter of Jaffa was
given to Jewish contractors and Jewish labourers only. For the workers
of Jaffa, many of whom were either underemployed or unemployed, this
practice was seen as a serious breach of their national and political
rights. Despite the fierce resistance put up by the Arab workers,
which resulted in the arrest of 28 Arab workers and the injuring of
others, the state's response was to keep the contracts in Jewish hands
but to allow 50 per cent of the labour force to be Arabs, although
even these would not be paid as well as the Jewish labourers. (38)
Despite the fact that most government revenues were appropriated
from the indigenous direct producers, this money was used primarily to
enhance the European Jewish economy. Large sums of public money spent
on opening roads between the Jewish settlements. In contrast, Arab
villagers were used as what amounted to slave labour doing
construction work on roads needed by government for military purposes.
The road between Ramalla-Jaffa, built by Arab indenture labour was one
example of this practice. (39) This is in addition to racial abuses,
kicks and beatings suffered by Arab workers in the work place. (40)
Both the colonial state and the Zionist settler capitalist class
exploited the indigenous Palestinian workers on racial grounds. They
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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