Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 304)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 304)
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noted, were those "prospective immigrants who were best qualified to
assist the establishment of the Jewish national home". That is, those
who will "adhere to Roycotting outside labour and what currently
exists in Zionist colonies [namely, Arab labourers]..". (48)
The principle of Jewisn Labour was used by the Histadrut as a device
to promote an exclusivist, and, if possible, purely Jewish economy
over an overwhelmingly Arab social structure. However, the objective
conditions under which the Palestinian economy evolved during British
rule, made the implementation of this device quite difficult. In the
process, this policy discriminated not only against the indigenous
Palestinian workers but also against other sections within the Jewish
working class.
Faced with the abundance of cheap Arab labour, the Zionist
authorities tried to implement the principle of Jewish labour by
importing Jewish labourers who could compete with the indigenous
workers. By the early 20th century, a delegation from Hapoe'l Ha-
Tzai'tr (Zionist socialist) party was sent to Yemen to bring Jewish
workers to Palestine. By the early 1920s over 20,000 Yemenite Jews
were brought to Palestine to work in agriculture (Kimmerling,1983:34).
But this relatively small force of labourers had very little effect.
More Arab proletariat were created in the process of land
expropriation and more unemployed were seeking jobs.
During the 1920s and 30s, when attention was focused on the
immigration of European Jews, the Zionist authorities in Palestine
resorted to different tactics. In an attempt to expand the scope of
the Jewish labour, the Histadrut turned their general principle of
utilizing Jewish labour into a binding policy which forced all Jewish
employers to recruit their labourers from within its Labour Schedules.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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