Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 305)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 305)
Largely for its economic disadvantages, but partly also for its
political implication, this policy was resented by various sectiuns
within the Jewish bourgeoisie. Despite the influx of Jewish settlers
to Palestine, Arab labour, which was cheap and more experienced,
particularly within the agricultural sector of the economy, was still
heavily in demand.
The strongest rejection of the policy of mandatory employment of
labourers listed in the Histradut's Labour Schedules came fron the
Capitalist farmers for whom cheap labour, which came primarily from
the indigenous Palestinians but also from the Yemenite Jews, was
indispensable to the operation of their private farms.
In a response to the Histadrut's policy, Smilansky, the Head of the
"Jewish Farmers Federation" wrote:
Jewish farmers were not prepared to erect a
Chinese wall between themselves and their Arab
neignhbours.Such a basis was unjustified on economic
as well as political grounds...Farmers were quite
prepared to accept it as their duty to employ a
majority of Jewish labour but they must have the
right to employ some Arabs as well. To take their
Jewish labour only from the Exchange of the Labour
Federation would involve difficulties and expenses,
it limited the free field of recruitment of labour
and specially militated against the employment of
Yemenites who were excellent agricultural workers
but for the most part did not belong to the Labour
Federation. (49S)
In the early 1930s, when none of the political mechanisms proved
adequate, the Histadrut resorted to the use of force and violence in
implementing its exclusivist labour policy. Terror squads, referre” to
by the Histadrut as "Labour Guards", were formed in almost all
settlements employing Arab labour and were also sent to various
construction sites with Arab employees inciucing those operated by
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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