Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 307)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 307)
shed when the Histadrut forced an Arab contractor and his workers out
of work". (53)
The Zionist exclusivist policy of Jewish Labour aggravated the
exploitation of the working classes in general and of the indigenous
Palestinians in particular. For the indigenous Palestinian workers,
this policy meant further unemployment and underemployment. It also
meant that more and more Arab labourers were forced to sell their
labour power at any cost in order to survive.
Racial discrimination practiced by the colonial state and the
Zionist authorities, it 1s suggested, was a major factor in the
depreciation of labour powez both in terms of working conditions and
wages. Moreover, the depreciation of the value of Arab workers was
used by independent Jewish capitalists as a means to extract more
surplus value from the Jewish labourer by threatening him with the
Arab labourer.
One important question which emerges from the analysis sc far
concerns the reaction of the subjected working population to these
exploitative conditions. Was there resistance to this oppression and,
1£ so, what form did this resistance take?
Although most of the literature has tended to belittle the
importance of the indigenous Palestinian opposition to British and
Zionist rule, historical documents provide ample evidence of
Palestinian resistance. Workers' resistance to these policies was not
confined to the frequent individual incidents documented earlier. An
organized working class struggle also emerged during this period.
In "Colonialism and National Liberation Movements: An analysis of
the Palestinian Struggle between 1920-40", I have provided a detailed
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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