Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 308)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 308)
analysis of the various Palestinian rebellions which occured between
1920 and 1940.(54) In that study, it was shown that in less than two
decades, from 1920-1936, Palestine experienced four major
movements which included several months of general strikes
armed struggles.
and two
The major emphasis in that study was placed on the qualitative
change in the struggle. It was argued that in contrast
overwhelmingly nationalistic character of the peasant resistance
during the 1920s, resistance during the 1930s wes driven by political
and economic concerns.
The 1933 revolt and 1936-39 revolution demonstrated the
role of working class leadership over the traditional
bourgeoisie. This change, it was argued, was also reflected in the
nature of the demands presented by the resistance forces. The peasant
revelts of the 1920s were driven by anti-settler and
confiscation sentiments and their demands centred ona return to
status quo with a national governing body. The revolutionary demands
raised during the 1930s focused primarily on the dismantling of
colonial state, the imperialist policies of which were seen
basis for their subjugation. (55) Additional data gathered in the
course of the current research further supports the claim that
throughout the British colonial period the Palestinians had a
of strong resistance. Both the Fallaheen and the working class
actively involved in this opposition.
Earlier in this chapter it was argued that, despite its advantages
over other frameworks of analysis, the neo-marxist approach fails to
adequately explain the political status of the cless of migrant
labourers ox semi-peasants. Inherent in this approach is the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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