Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 309)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 309)
that societies tend to remain stable and that social mobility or
change is very limited.
It has commonly been maintained that the Palestinian fallaheen were
passive, interested only in day-to-day life and didn't consider
politics to be their personal concern (Kimmerling,1983; Ohana,1981).
Some authors have even pitied the Fallaheen for thelr state of
"illiteracy" and lack of awareness to what goes around them
(Stein,1984:38). When reference is made to any of the political
movements in which the fallaheen were involved such as the 1929
peasant revolt or the 1936-39 revolution, their role in them tis often
distorted. Palestinian resistance is described as the work of a small
elite who fought amongst itself more than against any enemy, mostly in
order to restore its lost political pride. It is maintained that these
elites, predominantly the heads of Hamulas, had their own bands or
gangs. The masses of the peasants are described as ‘sheep who follow
the orders of their masters' (Ohana, 1978; Taqqu, 1980).
According to British official reports these Fallaheen were not
passive, unaware of their surroundings or inactive. To the
contrary,data show that in the 1920 demonstrations against the Balfour
Declaration and in the 1929 revolt, the fallaheen had a clear and
Gefined perspective on their national aspirations. On both occasions
the Fallaneen demanded a national government and expressed fear and
resentment at the prospect of a Jewish national home.
The lack of organization among the fallaheen and their state of so
called "illiteracy" did not impede their political awareness. A
detailed view of the political consciousness of the fallaheen is
presented in the following report by the Shaw Commission, which was
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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