Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 314)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 314)
European (Jewish). On the other hand, the Zionist colonial settler
policies aimed at the total ruination of the Palestinian social
relations by replacing the indigenous Palestinian labour force with a
Jewish settler one.
Also proven, in this chapter was the inadequacy of the argument that
migrant labour power is particularly advantageous for the reproduction
and expansion of capitalism because it is both cheap and unorganized.
However, as demonstrated earlier, cheap labour power is not an
attribute only of the class of migrant labourers. Full proletariat
whose only means of survival were obtained by selling their labour
power, can also be used as cheap labourers.
Racial discrimination can be employed as a mechanism to maintain
and reproduce the same class, i.e., the migrant labourers. However, in
the Palestinian case, it also resulted in the creation of more
proletarians. At the same time, these newly formed proletarians were
exploited as if they were still half-peasants half-proletariat.
It is this contradictory nature of capital which was characteristic
of the Palestinian colonial experience. Its economic deprivation,
political suppression and the racial discrimination practiced against
it, this chapter has shown, have all stimulated the growth of the
indigenous labour movement, the development of the working class
ideology and the working class struggle. The economic history of
Palestine was not only one of colonialism, exploitation and
subjugation, but also one of anti-colonial, anti-imperialist and anti-
Zionist resistance.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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