Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 318)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 318)
P.L. 75,000 and guaranteed a loan to the Tel-Aviv council to enable it
to "establish its finances" see a confidential despatch from the
Secretary of States for the Colonies, to the High Commissioner, dated
March, 1933. in CO 733/229/10, File, 17226/33.
38) In relation to this incident, it was reportec that when work at
the cite began, hundreds of Arab workers waged protests for several
days, during which they clashed with Jewish employers and workers.
See, "Testimony of George Mansour", op cit. pp. 301-302.
39) Ibid.,
40) For more on the treatment of Arab workers, see "Forward", March,
1929, in Budeiri, The Development.., op.cit., p. 154.
41) See, Harry Viteles, "Community Farming in Palestine", in Year
Book of Agricultural Co-Operation in the British Empire (P.S. King and
Sons, London, 1936) p. 314.
42) CO 733/184/6, File, 19816, No. 14/C/436.
43) The Histadrut's heavy dependence on international capital, as
Frenkel and Bichler pointed out, has always meant a certain degree of
political dependence on these capitalists. Among the major capitalist
investors in the Histadrut were the Rothschilds of Britain and France;
the Bronfmans and the Blumefields of Canada and the Rottbergers of the
U.S.A. In theixz study the authors showed that Edmon de Rothschild owns
50 per cent of the shares in the Solel Boneh and had always enjoyed
the upper hand in appointing the directors of the Histadrut. see,
Frenkel and Bichler atzulat ha-mamoun bi-yisrael([The origin of money
in Israel] (Cadima,1984) p. 160.
44) See Eisenstadt, "Israel" in Rose, A. (ed.) The Institutions of
Advanced Societies (Minneapolis,1958) pp. 404-406. In his 1985 The
Transformation of Israeli Society, Eisenstadt reiterated the same
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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