Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 322)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 322)
In these concluding pages, I wish to re-evaluate, briefly, the
main conceptual and empirical findings of this research study,
suggesting some areas which deserve more attention and warrant further
This study has examined some major aspects of change and
development undergone by the Palestinian socio-economic structure in
the first half of the twentieth century, with particular emphasis
placed on changes in the class structure.
In setting the ground for examining these processes, the first task
of the study is to establish a conceptual framework capable of placing
Palestine within its historical context. This has been done by
examining, critically, a variety of theoretical frameworks introduced
by a number of schools including, the Marxist, neo-marxist and
"Orientalist" paradigms for analysing change and development in Third
World social formations. We have singled out two particular conceptual
frameworks, the "Asiatic Mode of Production", and the notion of the
“Articulation of Modes of Production" applied largely to describe
African socio-economic experiences.
Our critical examination suggests that the concepts advanced were,
to say the least, inadequate for grasping pre-capitalist social
formations. An alternative conceptual approach which would take into
account the dynamic history of Palestine was, consequently,
formulated. Comparative studies done in various parts of the Third
World, and consulted throughout our enquiry, along with both old and
fresh empirical data on Palestine, furnish an adequate basis for using
the Marxist method of Historical Materialism. This approach, it is
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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