Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 323)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 323)
argued, allows for a more comprehensive and credible treatment of
Palestine's twentieth century's history, by examining it in continuum,
linking changes in its social and class structure to developments
prior to the advent of the modern colonial era.
The empirical data provided on changes in the class structure in
rural Palestine over the period from late nineteenth century to 1947,
have tended,largely, to support our theoretical propositions. Thus,
the analysis of late nineteenth century Palestine, (Chapter, 11),
established that Palestine'’s socio-economic formation was already
experiencing important changes affecting its forces and relations of
production. These changes, it was shown, were generated from within
(i.e.,internal) and without (external) the national economy.
Data based on relatively new historical material and particularly
the two manuscripts related to land tenure systems in Palestine have
consolidated and given further credence to this approach,
facilitating, in the process, our understanding of the pre-capitalist
mode of production. Palestine's pre-capitalist mode of production, we
conclude, was neither feudal, nor “Asiatic," nor for that matter
"linear or tribal." The characteristic features of Palestine's socio-
economic structure were analysed, using concepts specific to that
particular history. This structure, it was demonstrated, was not
immobile or stagnant but continually changing under internal and
external pressures.
By the early 1920s, and with the beginning of British and Zionist
colonization, Palestine's rural economy and its class structure had
already begun to unGergo a significant, albeit uneven transformation
process, thus preparing the grounds for the expropriation of the
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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