Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 324)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 324)
fallaheen. In this phase of the process, we argue, the mediation of
legal, political and sheer force employed by the colonial state and
the Zionist authorities, (Chapter 111) played a crucial role in
facilitating further and expediting the process of change and
development. However, the social cost to the Palestinians, of this
accelerated transformation, as we have shown, was, at once, enormous
and catastrophic.
More specifically, It was demonstrated (Chapter 111) that the so-
called issue of ‘land transfer' was not a simple and peaceful matter
of sale and purchase as most of the current literature suggests, but
rather, one of peasant and land expropriation. This process was made
possible largely because of the mediation of the colonial state
apparatuses. Archival and other data presented in relation to the
question of land expropriation proved methodologically significant in
this case. Contrary to the logic that mediates the bulk of Zionist and
Israeli official literature which persistently promotes the notion
that Jewish settlers in Palestine did not replace or displace
indigenous Palestinians, the cases of the Marj, Zeita and Wadi al-
Hawareth proved, beyond any shade of doubt, that the process was
anything but peaceful or harmless. The point often made by Marxists
on the extra-economic coersive measures employed by the state during
the transformation process (Marx, 1977; Luxemburg,1951) has received a
special consideration here. The policies of taxation, imprisonment and
collective punishment imposed on the fallaheen for failure to pay
debts, has speeded up class differentiation within the Palestinian
rural economy, creating a large pool of landless proletariat and a
potent source for cheap labor.
Alongside the legal and political forces which have directly
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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