Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 325)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 325)
contributed to the depeasantization and eventual proletarianization of
the fallaheen, a process of capitalist development in certain branches
of agricultural production (i.e., citrus and olive) had been
initiated, enhancing further the process of change by Indirectly -
through competition- displacing a section of the independent peasant
producers. In support of this argument, archival data documenting
individual and group bankrupcies and ruination were presented. The
culmination of a fairly long process of change expressed in land and
peasant expropriation, taxation, capitalist competition and heavy
peasant indebtedness, (Chapter IV) found its articulation in the
acceleration of rural class differentiation and contradiction as well
as in the overall ruination of the Palestinian rural economy.
The culmination of the process of capitalist transformation of an
economy and the consequent capitalist transformation of its rural
class structure, Marxists point out, expresses changes in both the
forces of production as well as the relations of production (Marx,
1977; Lenin, 1960; Bradby, 1980; Bagchi, 1982; Saleh, 1979).
Such capitalist penetration in agriculture was demonstrated in our
study through a detailed analysis (Chapter V) of the changes in
production techniques, with special reference to the role of capital
investment in agriculture, the use of technology and machinery and the
transformation of large-scale extensive and labour intensive
agriculture into small-scale capital intensive commercial enterprises.
Some of the ultimate consequences of the process of capitalist
development of agricultural production, expressed in the gradual
decline and eventual ruination of the rural agrarian economy are also
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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