Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 326)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 326)
However, and as we have pointed out throughout this study, changes
in Palestine's agrarian economy in the first half of the
century have been mediated by more than one "foreign" force,
British colonialism and Zionism as a settler colonial movement.
been shown that in terms of the actual colonial policies,
legalizing land expropriation, taxation, and the use
practices), Palestine's colonial experience was not very different
from other ‘typical' or ‘classical’ cases of colonialism.
what was historically specific to the Palestinian process
transition under colonialism was the presence of another
settler form of rule with a distinct ideological and political
The influx of European Jewish capital and human resources
Palestine, which was legalized by the British authorities,
crucial impact on the path and direction of Palestine's
processes. The Zionist colonial movement, treated here as the ruling
and overriding ideology of the European Jewish settlement enterprise,
was involved in displacing indigenous cultivators and appropriating
their land, in controlling and owning the vital natural
and, finally, in reaping direct economic. profits by exploiting
indigenous Palestinian labour power.
However, short term economic gains, as we have pointed
various junctions in our argument (Chapters, 1V, V and, particularly
Vl) were not the only or even the prime motive of Zionist settlement
in Palestine. In fact, long term political and strategic ends sought
by this movement, have, in many instances, outweighed sheer economic
considerations. The Zionist authorities' overriding concern
establishing a Jewish state in Palestine was articulated through a
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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