Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 328)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 328)
the Zionist movement, we argue, found its expression, in the main, In
the two most important socio-economic institutions of the "Kibbutz"
and the “Histadrut". Viewed from this perspective, the “Kibbutz"
(Chapter V) and the "Histadrut" (Chapter V1) were seen as essential
mechanisms for the materlalization of the long term political/national
ends of the Zionist movement in Palestine. Moreover, so far as_ the
real character and working of these institutions are concerned, our
study demonstrates that the "Kibbutz" and the "Histadrut" were not
operating separately from or outside the wider socio-economic system
but, rather, from within as an integral part of the developing
capitalist structure. By tending to the fairly complex nature of the
Zionist settler movement in Palestine, and going beyond the mere short
term economic interests, this study has highlighted the historical
specificity of this movement pointing out its historical parallels and
variance as well.
Finally, this study does not claim to provide final answers to
all complex issues it raises. In fact, as with most historical
research, this one was not without some difficulties and limitations.
Unreliability of government censuses compounded with the specific
problem that all censuses on rural Palestine were conducted with the
aim of perfecting taxation system, have placed some limitations on our
treatment of Palestine rural classes. A similar data source problem
was also evident during our research of the issue of unemployment. The
latter problem as British officials admitted, lay in that "There exist
no official machinery for the registration of unemployed workers or
for the collection of statistics of unemployment" (Survey of
Palestine, 1945-46, Ch. XVII, p. 733).
Before I conclude, I wish to point to two issues whith, within the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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