Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 3)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 3)
his thesis addresses itself to the spatial organisation
enth century rural
different environmental levels
Palestine. A descending the settlement
spatial order of analysis from
level to that of the furniture leve
Deir Gh
and the close correspc
is adopted. The built space of
Palestinian village located in the central
Bank today--is the focus of this work. In order
ndence between this built space and
ganisation of the peasant communit
nroughout the thesis, the analysis of the different elements which
constituted the village built space is interpreted in the light of
the overarching conceptual framework of seperation and unity. It is
argued +}
interaction between the dominant Barghouthi clans and the subordinate
at these two countervailing notions governed the nature of
fallaheen (peasant) clans.
st seventy years (1916-1986)
ew metho
materials, and the adoptio.
architectural systems, 1.66,
use of new building
ae lf mi would not be accepted by traditional peasant
ety unless this society was exposed to external forces that
indermine the conditions of its existence both at the
ultural and material levels. In the case of Deir Ghassaneh,
operated to
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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