Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 9)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 9)
1.1 Settlement n 1875 according to the survey olf
Western Palestine _ 31
ne eastern extremities
landholdings on t: Lti:
r villages located on the basin extr
uthi and een villages 40
3-1 Agricultural fields seperate the village buil'
up areas 54
3e2a Nucleated clusters of houses surrounded 0b;
village fields 54
3s ° 2b Scatter ed pa uvern of houses = | 54
by village ‘fields
Barghout vances within the Be
3-8a,b Seasonal divieione of the ye
3-9 Association between activity/time/space
3210 Kinship and the pattern of land distribution
3611 Cultivated land in | Deir Ghassan
emnpt) ir) seperated the .
ea ‘fron the fields : arounc A at 19
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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