Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 17)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 17)
years (1916- 1986). In this part, I argue that cha
Yraditional architectural forms and spatial organi
in the
sation reflected
the study is based on fieldwork undertaken in the village of Deir
except for the
ind spring 1986 when I established residence in the
ly field work was |
age and spent considerable time there.
on two “yPes of investigation: First, photographic documentation and
nd measurements of buildings (which have
survived, mostly ‘in delapidated form, from the seventeenth to the
nineteenth ary, 1.e., from the early to the late Ottoman
ds); and second, in-depth interviews with elder sidents
the village. interviews, I was racing with the death or
approaching senility of several interviewees since main
informants were those few who could still remember the end of the
man era (1917). Une of my most
Zuhair, the son of the last sheik
1986 at the age of ninety three just before I was
conclude my interviews with hin.
In my
important informants, Abu
1 of Deir Ghassaneh, passed away in
The reconstruction of daily life as it existed seventy years ago in
a village like Deir Ghassaneh suffers from the multitud
problems which face most oral historians of
1985). In general,
—_— m the
iotivated by the search for soc:
e of
I was faced with fading nme
projections oresent, intentional distortion
were seen as
immense difficulties with the pertodisation of patterns and
a8 well as # ° og
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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