Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 72)
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- Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 72)
- المحتوى
Such a system of collective responsibility suggests that the co-
ordination and solidarity between the villagers as a whole would be
enhanced. Not only did the villagers share the crushing burdens of
impositions, but they often shared a collective punishment in case of
failure to fulfill the payment of the taxes. Many villages suffered
from the state soldiers when they came to harass and _ plunder
villages which failed to pay their share of taxes (Firestone, 1978:
Fig.3.7: Village fields
The village of Deir Ghassaneh is surrounded by a continuous series of
extending mountainous rocky landscape. Kxcept for the extensive
terracing of olive groves, which gives the landscape a containable
dimension of human scale, the fields seem, to the eye of the external
observer, to be undifferentiated and unstructured; no physical
boundaries separate Deir Ghassaneh's agricultural fields from those
of neighbouring villages, no physical boundaries separate the village
built-up area from its field, no boundaries differentiate the various
lineage group's landholdings and no boundaries exist to mark where
one fallah's property starts and where it ends.
However,in the fallah's mind, this seemingly amorphous landscape was
spatially differentiated and structured. For him, who spent’ the
long hours of his daily work within the boundaries of the village
fields, the natural landscape was transformed into a "cultural
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