Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 76)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 76)
were conscripted into the Turkish army. The year of the big snow
referred to 1919; the year of immigration (sant el-hijra) refers to
1916 when the villagers of Deir Ghassaneh fled their village due to
the Turkish-British battles around the village. These events were
reckoned as markers of time and hence it was not easy for the fallah
to translate them into specific years. (Abu Nada, Interview: 1985).
The ecological cycle not only created a pattern of similar activities
and movements for the fallaheen, but also gave the community a
distinct common history. The year began with the first rains in
autumm. The fallah followed a twelve month year so as_ to order and
fix his agricultural events. Unlike the
Fig. 3.8a: The division of the year into into two main
Fig. 3.8b: The division of the year into six seasons
neighbouring Christian peasants who used the same year for fixing
agricultural as well as religious events, the Moslem fallah in Deir
Ghassaneh depended on the hijri lunar year to fix his religious
events. For his agricultural cycle, the Palestinian fallah adopted
the Julian year - taken from the Syrian year - because it is
anchored in the cyclical ecological changes (which is not the case
with the Moslem hijri calendar). The fallah's calendar was (and to
great extent still is) a relation between a conceptual cycle of 12
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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