Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 86)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 86)
of the village. The terraced fields, the blue skies, the bright
sunlight and the white stone houses with domes all combine to make a
particularly powerful environment. The natural landscape is still
very strong and determines the general milieu.
Boundaries Defining the Village Built-Up Area
S4milar to most other Palestinian villages, Deir Ghassaneh never had
walls around it to define its boundaries. The boundary between man-
made space and natural space was achieved by the sharp difference in
density between the the compact built-up area and the open
surrounding fields. The fields were almost free from man-made
structures, except for the storage huts (ksour) used for guarding
against thieves during the fig and grape seasons and for storage of
agricultural produce. The hawakir, a belt of empty lots, constituted
a clear geographical boundary and a natural edge between the denesly
built man-made settlement and the partly natural, partly ordered
landscape (fig- 4-2).
_..-‘~- Backs of buildings ~~
w—. Village border pt
} oa Villasce built-up area i
IZA village emnty lots (hawakir) 11
—_ Main nath *
Fig. 4.2: A belt of empty lots (hawakir) separated the
village built-up area from fields around it
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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