Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 87)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 87)
In addition to empty lots, which were generally used for. the
construction of mew houses and as vegetable gardens, the hawakir
included the village cemeteries which were also part of the barrier
defining the boundaries of the built-up area. The back of the many
inwardly-looking buildings located at the peripheries of the village
also defined a critical boundary which signified a psychological and
sociologically meaningful interior into which the fallah could
withdraw after long hours of work in the open, ever extending fields.
The three elements namely; density differentiation, empty
lots(hawakir) and backs of buildings, all acted simultaneously so as
to define the village's outermost boundaries (fig. 4.2).
Although the village is densely built with a defined boundary, it
still had a transparency which allowed for the penetration of the
village from all directions. However, the village "formal" entrance
4g located to the west of the village. This was also the formal
entrance to the village's main plaza.
SEPARATION AND UNITY: Principles Guiding Spatial Organisation
The visitor to Deir Ghassaneh is at once struck by the imposing
character of its buildings and the sharply defined quality of spaces
(fig. 4.3). However, the spatial structure and the laws governing it
eannot be felt or recognized at once. On the contrary, at first it
seems to be a random assembly of structures with different styles and
scales. However as one becomes more acquainted with the village, one
starts to experience a meaningful interaction of the natural and
cultural forces which have determined the spatial structure.
6 ge
Fig. 4.3: Imposing character and quality of spaces and buildings
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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