Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 89)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 89)
separation based on
kinship, privacy, and gender.
spaces, buildings, alleys, landscape
main structural feature of the villa
primary kin-based quart
referred to
features. The
ge lay-out was
rs (harat);
| as the upper quarter (el harah
the Shu'abi quarter (harat el Shu'aibieh) and the
indivisable- “whole with variety and Siversity. Within these quarters
further neparation inside the same
harah 18 osed of a numbe!
differ 3 ual houses (dur) separate
the a fferent domestic units. The relationship be tween the d if farant
existed between the Barghouthi
clan had more of a commu
boundaries ourtyard houses, the
boundaries and less defined and less shar
sation of the village
toa The
‘ture based on a clear separation of,
tinction between, private and communal (rather than
public) domains governed by strong rules of sepreration.
and a strong dis
Deir Ghassaneh receives the impression that’ the
-lage did not rev
One has the feeling that what was hidden seemed
h more than what was directly perceived. opaces had a
This layering went on se
orivacy gradient cre
The visitor to
elustered inwardly-looking vi
sal its spaces all at
ia feeling that one could not enter
re strong rules and restrictions on the
into every space.
degree of penetration one 1
to the group or individual residing there.
.ve physi
created the visible communa:
invisible private spaces. Interiority anc exclusivity ,
al boundaries
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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