Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 91)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 91)
as the totality of
em formed a kind of
itical grid which interwove with the "profane"
nity of this
socio-religous and po
ent and acted as an egalitarian force for the v
The women of Deir Ghass
aneh, from the
village's two main centres of activities — the village plaza and
‘ound in the main » Spring ("ain el-j a communal centre
socially as well as spatially ¢ divided int
of clearly unequal status,
The dominance of the Barg]
Leh and Abdul Aziz families,
* subclan) and not between the Barghouthis and the
fallaheen. The fallaheen were divided, tacitly supporting one or the
partiouarly between the S
Kinship "clustering" in living quarters was based on social
"homogeneity". ‘he criterion for homogeneity was belonging to the
ancestor. The ideology of
same | log mportal
active role in the unity of kins i.e., the unity of members who
believed themselves to be the descendante
of the same clan, it set them apart from other clans. In most cases,
of origins could hardly be demonstrated by members of the
not only that, they mostly lacked any logical sequence in time
of the same agnatic
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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