Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 95)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 95)
ALONG BANONA aS weli as social stratification. As illustrated
in figure 4.5, the village was, and to some extent still is, divide
ghouthis' and the fallaheen "“. _,
area occupied the top of the hill and hence was ref
into two areas; the Bar
upper quarter tek harah el
eastern slopes.
fallaheen areas
quarter on the
quarters, thi der
quarters (Fig. 4.6). The Halabieh quar
cated on the northwest
clan was lo rn slope
juarter also
ase for the 'Abweini (a refugee from the illage
‘he second small quarter ws
next to
the clan residing there, or to the geograph
cn vik ai > =6ph ression of socis
identity. Each harah in the village had different social status
connotation; people were located in so hroush their
location in Payenea Spaces The harah defined the group and stressed
vis-a-vis others. Hence, the harah was the most
familiar and identifiable spatial territory for the clan.
zroups were able to maintain separateness both through
Ag through social and behavioural
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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