Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 156)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 156)
storing cooking utensils, clothes, small amounts of food and other
family belongings. fhe kos was a big arch recessed in the wall ; in
it mattresses, blankets and pillows were stored during the day.
The fireplace(mawqed or udjak) was always
located on. the same wall as that of the
entrance door (Fig. 4.42). This was the
focus of all activities which took place
at the mastabeh during the cold and rainy
winter season. It was the only source of
heat in the cold winter days. It served
as a kitchen around which women sat and
prepared and cooked the family meals.
In the evenings, the whole family normally
gathered around the fireplace as_ they
chatted or listened to the bickering
between husband and wife or, frequently, Fig. 4.42: The fireplace
between the mother and her daughter in-
At night, mattresses were rolled out of the qaws and spread out,
covering almost the whole area of the mastabeh. Although there did
not seem to be a strict method for sleeping arrangements (Fig. 4.43)
(at least not from the description of the fallaheen), still invisible
partitions divided the parental sleeping area from that of their
children of or other elderly members (aunt, grandmother, etc.)
living in the same house. The husband and wife normally slept on
one or two separate mattresses; next to them slept their children.
While young sons and daughters slept together on one mattress, older
daughters and sons tended to separate and sleep in groups. Unlike
other fallaheen where married sons and their wives lived with the in-
laws, the Shu'aibis were very strict about having the newly married
couple live in a separate house. The bridal chest (sandoug), which
the daughter-in-law usually brought with her from her father's house
played, a significant role in defining the parental sleeping space.
The chest in which the wife kept her clothes and belongings belonged
exclusively to her and she alone had the key to it. Not even her
husband had the right to open it. This chest symbolized her ties
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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