Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 168)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 168)
vas d as a binding naterial,
The lime (shid) was made by
i or miz) in air tight-kilns
> kiln for another 3-6
was use
of the new house with water. In other cases, water was brought to
the site from the village spring, either in metal kerosene tins or
goat-skin containers (qirab) carried on donkeys.
Once all materials were
gathered, the m'allem was called upon to
which were
or by the hired
labourers brought by the m'allem. Trenches for the fo
as deep as the solid rock strata,
undations were
which were in most cases near
the surface. Before build
rubble stone, earth,
were believed nh be made (in order to
compensate the spirits for depriving them of their abode). The
villagers believed that most underg1
g round places were inhabited by
supernatural beings, the ority of which were malevolent. The
ally a lamb which was slaughtered and its blood let
> rur ‘foundation trenches. Blood was believed to be the
abode of the animal spirit. After the
offering was made, the
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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