Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 169)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 169)
ede 1 *
constructio proce
the foundations, two stone walls were bui.
ich was usually laid by them
inc} 8 laid while i
te Under the outer
d silver coin or a
& ?
brought by the
stween the two walls was filled with rubble
nskilled labourers |
pointed arch end. Windows and < e carefully constructed by |
he m'allem.
which covered the whole house (F
part in the construction and |
sely supervised by the m'allem.
mbers of the immediate and
roof, most me
other villagers, gave a helping hand whi
-6 Singing joyfully. Men and
young boys helped in passing water, mortar, and stone to those on the
rool .
If the cross-vault was small in size (3 x 3 m), the formwork was made
out of a pile of earth on which the light stones (hadjar nari) were
8 tacked °
vault was about six
by se S, and hence a wooden formwork,
which took the form of the cross-vault, was made. To bring
prosperity to the inhabitants of the new house, an olive branch was
nailed to this wooden frame. Over the frame, dry brush (sheeh),
and mud were placed to shape the curves of the cross-vault.
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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