Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 171)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 171)
Once the mud was dry, it acted as a formwork for the roof.
vault was madi
of the cross light Bkoney cut in an
16 was mixed
>inding material. The vault was left for a
the vault keystone (el-
sition, the festive event started.
in - veight and
water, which acted as a
fow mays to settle. Once the m'allem placec
The roof was completed by filling in the four corners of
or sometimes
earth only. The roof was then totally sealed by pouring
(made out of lime and earth) all over the
event was ppiest moments
"there is no joy except the joy of vaulting"
ed) say the fallahe
as made for the djin, this was mad
» 1933: 64)
‘ahim" (Cana! i]
door. The - offering was - laid with its head towards M t
on the door threshold, where the spirits
dwelled. This was done as a proof that the offering was made. It
was believed that if the inhabitants of the house did not make an
offering for the spirits who resided there, the spirits would take
their offerings by killing the owner of the house or a member of his
blood was allowed to run
When the vaulting was finished, every one who helped, or even pas
by, was invited to join the festive meal.
receive a present, often a cloak (‘abaieh), or a robe ( amt
valuable work. At the turn of this century, the m'ali
to five majiedieh (one majiedieh was equivalent to one
ling the house. Later on, in the 1920s, the
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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