Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 183)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 183)
stablished their own guest—houses,
Leh a constituted the centre of the
ily physically
gs around it, but also
ng of any object
hat is, it consists
Thus the hegemo
I ity of the saha as a unifying
for the other village clans under Barghouthi patronage. T!
corresponded with a social distance.
The saha could be seen as ‘tage on which an important part of the
Olitical life was
came closest to acting as
social and p
represented the sy
played out. In the saha
ind politica unit
nbol of prestige for Deir Ghassaneh as a whole in
relation to other villages. It was the framework of both political
and social differentiation. It d its function
3t-house, located
one social]
according to need. Together the saha and
to the east,
the gue
‘ulfilled a combination of social]
functions: as
and other public celebrations took
an entertainment
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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