Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 192)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 192)
be said the judge stated
sides. (For a detailed
Finn (1923: 21-24).
er a
long day of hard work. lhe absence of social interaction among men
in tk sated for by their evenings
uest-house. They would sit together, or in smaller er
eir homes was compe:
gatherings * in the
yne another, or all listening to someone telling stories. Someti
the village Poshe recited poems ‘zajel) to fit the occasion. _Ponge
In Peasant
meeting in the gues t-hous ,
nit is a picturesque & Lek nr gues
ght, with « a “crowd of swart
on the ground in various easy attitudes around»
central hearth, on which burns a tire of Gwigss
bright blaze lighting up their
nging into sharp relief the white beards
old men. The long pipes are filled and i
their smoke mingles with that of the fire. There is
the hum of conversation all round or else breathless
silenc ile someone tells a thrilling tale of
ad obbery, or wars or an animated discussion
takes , place over some matter of keen local interest"
‘Wilson, 1906: 278).
Baldensberger also comm
"The long winter evenings are spent in games or story
telling; but the Fallaheen are most fond of the long
adventures of the warrior tribes in their migrations
from ieerery attacks fron Other tribes, love-romances
- gemi—-b a] edanized Stories about
Barghouthi states that
yublished manuscript, ]
ghouthi clan never participated in sing
men from the Ba. g or dancing
because ‘they — considered this act to be improper and only tc
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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