Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 193)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 193)
come to the guest-house during the evenings. The arrival of gypsy
groups (en-nawar) gave the guest-house a festive atmosphere. They
spent a few days around the village, where they erected their tents
and came to the guest-—-house at night. Both men and women gypsies
sang and danced, creating a pleasant lively atmosphere. As long as
the gypsies were in the village, men would stay late at the guest-
house and would go home late to sleep and get some rest before an
early start the next morning.
The Ceremonial Functions of the Guest—House
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The guest-house was also the
communal place where all
village ceremonies took place
or culminated. During the
month of Ramadan, a few
minutes before sunset’ each
man fasting would come with
his sons to the guest—house,
carrying their cooked food,
and sit down with his grown
up sons around him waiting to
hear the prayer (m'uathen).
At that moment they would
start to eat with the rest of
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the men their communal Fig. 5.6 : Men shared their
aes Afterwards they were communal meal during
the month of Ramadan
offered coffee. Then Source: Graham-Brown
together they prayed the (1980)
evening prayer, relaxed, and later moved te the mosque to pray the
night prayer led by the Iman. Afterwards they would go back to the
guest-house where they would stay up quite late and then go back home
where they would eat their suhur (late night meal) and sleep until
late the next day.
On the first day of the two Moslem annual feasts (al-fitr and al-
adha), the men of the village dressed in the morning, went to the
mosque and then to the cemetery. Then they assembled at the guest-
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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