Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 195)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 195)
from the village spring, or by talking to their husbands, brothers
when they met at home. Hence contributed to the
domains: their houses and courtyards.
female peers chatting, while preparing food for their menfolk
and their visitors.
The _ two separate domeings wore sotualy in continuous but indirect
e male kin. Normally, the
nost's son or brother moved between the house and the guest-house
carrying food which the wome
m had prepared, or carrying mattresses
nd pillows to the guest—house. Women knew who the guests were and
kept abreast of the village affairs through the movements of these
sons or DI others.
me when a woman was allowe was when
The only t.
she presen’ a legal case against someone. In the presence of the
cil of elders, she was allowed to
din the guest—-house
state her Cas6,
3st male relative took up her case.
her clos:
Female visitors were also not permitted in the guest-house.
slept with then.
stayed with the vn ge YOREDy and ate and
from the
hnildren were astri otly barred
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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