Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 196)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 196)
the house which was closed to outsiders.
Its placement at the
from the village living
ontact between visitors and the
village inhabitants. This location also allowed
jdentification of strange
the village.
kept the visitors awa;
Jaher compou
quarters, hence maintaining minimal c
rs, and
entering and leaving
-hrough the village saha (Fig.
In addition,
tied their produce and went to sell it among the
e from
in ty, was seen as
male in the village contributed towards the expenses of the ;
house in order to keep up a "respectful" image for Deir Ghassaneh.
to as mal-al-wasat was collected from
during harvest time. This
An annual sum of money referred
each family}
money was spent on communal
ceremonies and obligations. Invited to a wedding in a neighbouring
village, the sheikn and council of elders gave the bridegroom a
xdding present (ngout) on behalf of the village as a whole.
Up to some sixty years ago, emirs used to give special land to the
plural of madafah), the income of which
uest-house" (Barghouthi, 1924: 180)
The daily expenses of the guest-house visitors were also paid in turn
sy the adult males of the village. Each
paid more or less according
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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