Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 199)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 199)
le" local residents sitting amongst t!
1e Visitors.
hierarchical ordering
8 reflected not only in the seating
iso in the manner in which visitors were received.
Undi stingul shed visitors, such as peddlers » came into the mac lafah
left b 4th Li tt. e attention given to then , except —
inguished persc
or one of his honourable guests,
) shaviour and movements indicated 1 atus
Visitors of higher r than the village sheikh
were received by the sheikh and his council of e
ceive the |
ders, who would go
ruest. If the visitor was of equal
eikh would receive him at the door of the madaf
unequal status, the sheikh
id ¢ » hands with the visitors while sitting. Hence the
between the sheikh's gs olace and the reception point
the rank of the visitor. As distinguished visitors came
in, everyone stood up to show his respect for the newcomer. The
sit down only after the sheikh
A load of mattress
When the visitors were of
would remain
men woulc his visitors were
es, pillows and cushions would also be
ests. The number and quality of mattresses and
flected the status of the visitor. While
important guest oded with cushions, peddlers and poor guests
sat on strawmats like the rest. Comple ly iled
brought in for the gu
cushions brought in alse
lked. dressing those present.
tarted talking to one another, the
» could whisper amongst themselves.
ood was offered followed the same
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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