Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 200)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 200)
erving "fee honourable ) guests
and the rest followed.
and elders were
sed for important gues
a tray as 3 Opposed to being carried oy
manuscript: 16), and he
examining the spatial organization and articulation of the village
est-house, and by looking at the activities which took
them and their behavioural
conclude the following:
and |
niace in then, as the people
patterns, one can
1) The gsaha acted as a centripetal force, uniting the different
Tt ana was seen as the most important centre of
activity : in the village which gained its meaning by gathering
around it the village's most important structures: the village
guest-house, the village mosque and * ikh's compound.
of the
It acted as the arena where
the village appeared as an administrative, legal and political
unit especially vis-a-vis othe
social control.
3) The guest-house was the place where the integratio
r villages,
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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