Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 203)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 203)
The anci ages, Saw man always
as part of society, ‘and "society as imbedded in nature
and dependent upon cosmic forces. For them, nature
. man did not stand in opposition and did not,
therefore, have to be apprehended by different modes
of cognition .... The fundamental difference betwee
the “Stil caer of modern and ancient man as_ regards
© SIN, scientific
rounding * world is ‘this: for mod
th d is premarily an Tt fo2
thou" (Frankfort, et al. 1949: 12),
shapter discusses’ the i
spatial worlc
turn of thie century.
mpact of religion on the pe
in the village of Deir Ghassaneh at the
most aspectea
Religion permeated of the fallah's life and hence it was
ifficult to isolate the impact of religion from other
cultural, and economic factors. However, for the purpose
analysis, religion is dealt with
social 9
of this
The sacred environment, defin
places, times monies, acted as an egalitarian force, most
immediately for the unity of the village community, ultimately, for
the unity of the cosmos. Islamic beliefs reinforced tl
collective tdentitys not only bY y Mranseending Kinship bounc
nd cere
aries but
that of the
different elements
8 grid varied widely in their scale
ignificance of their role. The elements of the sacred
8, and landscape
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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