Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 204)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 204)
te cosmological level", but constituted parts of the
environment discussed in previous chapters.
of his everyday life,
environment interact with
: The hierarchical order of the sacred
ynnvironment corresponded closely to a hierarchical concept of the
osmos (gdokevn) and to a hierarchical system of worship
onal environmental level. The religious ceremony
hing or being in the "centre of the world
to be, symbolized by the ha:
boundaries, a regi
was, and
a ritual act of pilgrimage to Mecca
springs pertained | iscape level, the mosque *
level, and holy tombs to the living quarter level. Mar
artifacts pertained to the object level.
y other sacred
: yr a different sacred elements belong te
environmental levels, but they also had different f
ctions. hi]
gional level (Mecca, Dome of the
) functioned as foci for the
ity, the village mosque enhanced village w
village identity amongst the men, while local saint's tombs did not
ranscend the realities of kinship and gender separations.
places located at the re
The world of tangible physica le, holy sanctuary,
tombs and material objects ~ mediated the falls
of religious beliefs with his daily |
ihn's abstract system
Both natural as well as social pow
Elsewhere, we
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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