Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 207)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 207)
ordering the spatial world-view of the
's Beliefs And Practices
"there is no god except God")
anG ad of the cosmos | (aloks
were focused
nierarchical system of worship and practices which ¢
levels of good and evil, At the top of this order,
d truth.
omprises various
who is one in his holiness, powers ar
The fallah
creation. To Ge
ike other Muslims, regarded Allah as the ruler of all
dhe assigned many
characteristics, some from human
nature and other super-human. The naz
the hundreth known only to God), attested to the varying attributes
of God: God the merciful, the patient, the divine, the eternal, the
truth, etc. Both God and al-kawn had dual attributes. God was
perceived as the compassionate giver and at the same time as the
(99 known to man and
ies of God
avenger and the punisher.
The five pillars (arkan) of Islamic faith are the fundamental duties
incumbent upon all muslims. These pillars include: declaration of
faith, the five daily ritual DrTavers, the
almsgiving, fasting in
every Muslim who is economically and physically able. The peasants
Deir Ghassaneh also gs. 1 with the whole Muslim com
roth the » Sacrifice Foast ('eid el adha
Ramadan fea. ‘estive occasions. The
AY, y, the » night of Divine Decree, and the commemoration
nd ascent of the prophet are also shared sacred
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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