Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 211)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 211)
with the Holy from 3uch place
certain. Times such as the month of Ramadar
(laylat el-q
saints. Such rituals
villagers to act in this
Sacred places, sacred times, and ceremonies ——
ant's sacred environment
96 elements were equally crucial in the formation of
mvironment of Deir Ghassaneh, the focus of our: discussion
will be mainly on space and spatial organisation.
The division into sacred, neutral, and
nd profane spaces is not always
clear and : gly arbitrary. Although certain places were built
for spiritual purposes, such as the holy shrines and the mosque, they
also had "mundane" social functions (as was the case when the mosque
was used as a guest house
[The same was
Some "profane" locations became temporarily sacred. This was the
case whenever a religious ceremony took place. For example, any
locality where a \
activities as the construction of a new
activities, marriages, and deaths, all had
house, agricultural
transitory symbolic or
Certain elements of pad idings ¢ such
3 inhabitants to have
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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