Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 213)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 213)
(the two southern vaults took the form of something between a cross
3s remarkable incongruity
in the scale, the decoration and the methods of building be
s having a mosque or
II), Conder makes the following
"You may live for months in the out-of-—the way part
of Palestine without seeing a mosque or hearing the
call of the Muedhen to prayer" (Conder, 1878: 218).
in C.Ir. Wilson wrote:
similar Ve
In a
"The village mosques are for the most part miserable
buildings, dark and dirty, with nothing whatever in
their outward appearance to show that they are sacred
edificies... Occasionally in the larger villages a
more pretentious building may be seen, and one kept
in better order, with now and then a medaneh"
(Wilson, 1906: 21).
ind "dirty" are
emotive terms and may have been use n an ethnocentric point of
view, it remains evident that most village mos
ues were Just small
for prayers.
rooms designatec ison noted for example that mosques
were places which often functioned both as a
areas (ibid.).
Zuest-house and prayer
The absence of elaborate mosque can be explained by the
1. The nature of the God/man relationship and the prayer
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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