Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 216)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 216)
which did not necessarily require a fixed sacred place.
3. The relatively limited role |
the holy shrines or the village guest-
basically the plac
community performed their daily praye
However, except for the
Friday noon prayers, the fallah cow 3rs wherever he
d pertora his pray
prayed became "temporarily
In addition to prayers on fea
st days and funerals noon
prayer (salat e]~ ama'a, the "prayer of the gathering") was a public
social and religious event for the village. The Friday
prayer was
ormed in the mosque and was led
perf py the village imam. Shortly
before noon—time, whe vinings adult males started gathering at the
mosque courtyard; they ging greetings an
chatting as they proceeded to form several long rows, one behind the
other. All stood behind the imam who faced the mihrab. The spatial
ordering of men in the mosque was ver;
guest—-house. In the mosque the position occupied depended primarily
on the time of arrival (Abu-Adnan, 1985: interview). It by no means
social or political status.
reflectec the mosque was the
place were men faced their one God as equals
piace for "higher" or "lower"
status. In contrast, arrangements in
stressed the hierarchical social order,
and men had
aq, describing a
thy outside the
another carried into the mosque, but perhaps
mosque in a Yemeni village,
mosque was in one way or
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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