Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 221)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 221)
both their regional function and their foreigr hen
e) the village kinship domains in their location.
beyond (be outsi
i" (seven to the
he Shu'aibi clan); the Barghouthi
the ruling family of ed-Daher. It is
uite honourable for a clan to have
The majority of saints descended from the "fallahee
lower quarter clans and three to t
had only two. None came fro
noly saints amongst its members.
the origin of sheikh Kt aled, » One of the villages
Both the Barchouthi (I a
Misshel) claimed that the saint was one of
these holy men were honoured By one of the clans
For example, sheikh Khalaf,
ther was from the Dah
leh (from the Dawood 1 family).
Because hey were often
between the nousess or
local shrines (makamat) and local
nd the reality of kinship
sted kinship divisions
mbs of descendants of one particula:
not transce
more of the women's domain,
the name of these saints. Men mere
since it was mostl
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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